Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Josef: I thought ummmm, you and I, maybe we could go away somewhere. Together! One of these days... Today. Right now. Come with me!

Hanna: No, I don't think that's going to be possible.

Josef: Why not?

Hanna: Ummm, because I think that if we go away to someplace together, I'm afraid that, ah, one day, maybe not today, maybe, maybe not tomorrow either, but one day suddenly, I may begin to cry and cry so very much that nothing or nobody can stop me and the tears will fill the room and I won't be able to breath and I will pull you down with me and we'll both drown.

Josef: I'll learn how to swim, Hanna. I swear, I'll learn how to swim. "

in "The Secret Life From Words"

Porque há sem dúvida uma vida secreta, em cada palavra e em cada frase.
E faz sentido, mesmo sem ter nenhum.


Anonymous said...

Tenho de ver esse filme. Falas com tanto carinho dele, e falas tantas vezes! lol
Gosto muito de ti jo, sabias? Se sim, era so para lembrar.
beijo nessa bochecha

Anonymous said...

Blogspot need's a lift....!!!

já tou farto de vir cá visitar-te...mas se nao puseres algo novo nada mais posso dizer querida.....porque afinal, esse filme ainda me passa ao lado =P

****Fico à espera de um grande próximo comentário....

"há prisões piores que as palavras..."(pequena homenagem à falecida Nuria Monfort)

Besito do todito ;)

Anonymous said...

Eu queria dizer que espero um próximo grande Post iiiiiiiiih.